Alan Chadwick a Gardener of Souls

Reviews and Photos of Theatrical Performances by

Alan Chadwick


Records documenting Alan's career in the theater exist beginning from the early 1930's. A note from "The Rock," dated 1934, reads:

"The Diocese of London remembers with gratitude your share in the Pageant Play at Sadlers Wells."


Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role


A review dating from August 21, 1935, of a production of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, mentions Alan's role. A note in Alan's handwriting, dated 1936, refers to a festival of plays by George Benard Shaw, listing four of those: Pygmalian, St. Joan, Jane Eyre, and Lady Precious Stream. Elsewhere, Alan describes working with Shaw in theatrical productions. One undated review praises Alan's performance in Shaw's The Apple Cart.

Alan Chadwick in a 1939 casting directory

A photo of Alan Chadwick in a casting directory dated 1939


During the years between 1951 and 1954, Alan Chadwick acted in the theatrical group, "National Theatre Organization," based in South Africa. Many reviews appeared in local newspapers during this period, most of them praising his performances. Some examples are given below:

From a review of “The Venetian” by Clifford Bax

“...Alan Chadwick is the newcomer to the company and seems to be the experienced, sensitive, and beautifully-voiced actor we have been hoping for...”



Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role with Lion



From a review of “Bill of Divorcement”

“... Alan Chadwick, as the husband, lifted up the anguish of bewilderment like a lost child, and kept a brilliant balance on his emotions...”


From a review of “Abraham Lincoln” by John Drinkwater

“...In deciding to produce this play, Mr. Fisher-White must have realized that he had, in Alan Chadwick, an actor who not only bore some resemblance to the President, but also had the temperament to play the part. It was no easy undertaking to stage such a production... his fellow artists give Alan Chadwick their fullest support. He gives a performance that might be described as inspired. There are no heroics, no attitudes, and no recriminations, but only a gentle, kindly manner and quiet dignity. In voice and gesture he is Lincoln as one visualizes him from his portraits and his speeches, and his interpretation is one of the best pieces of acting we have seen on the Harrogate stage for many years...”


Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role 3


From a June 27, 1951, review of “Streetcar Named Desire” by Tennessee Williams (Alan Chadwick played the character, “Mitch.”)

“...Alan Chadwick’s “Mitch” too, is strongly characterized. In fact, the acting is on an astonishingly high level, considering the merciless refusal of the author to allow a single flowering weed to blossom out of this dunghill.”


Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role 4


Alan's acting career suffered a hiatus during World War II. One note from his files is written in Bombay, India, in April 1943. It mentions that he was to go in for an operation at a clinic the following day. He remarks that he is unsure exactly what they will be operating on (possibly his tonsils??).

After the war, the first dated theatrical review appears on June 5, 1947 and refers to his performance in "The Gleam," by W.C. Strode. The review mentions an earlier performance in the same role in the year 1945. This review appears to be from (London?) England.


Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role 5


Another English review praises him for his performance as Maxim de Winter in the play, "Rebecca." This article is dated as being from the week of March 14, 1949. A fan letter from one C. H. Shelvoke, dated 30 September 1949, and sent from Sutton, Coldfield, England, was addressed to Alan in care of the David Garrick Theater, Lichfield. Another review, dated June 19, 1947, references Alan's role in the play, "Rebecca," and says that this was performed by the Barry O'brian Repertory Company.

From the thick sheaf of positive reviews that one finds in Alan's files, it is only possible to conclude that he had had a successful career as an actor that spanned over several decades. In most, he appears to have played one of the leading roles, if not the lead in the play.


Alan Chadwick in Theatrical Role 6




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